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True empowerment in our ecosystem.
Our Story
We are four students who live in various countries around the world and we can say that we represent a part of the seas of our planet. Ariba, was born in Uttar Pradesh, India, which is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the South, the Arabian Sea to the West, and the Bay of Bengal to the East. Samik is from Arizona, USA, bounded by three oceans: the Arctic, the Pacific, and the Atlantic, and four seas: the Beaufort Sea, the Chukotka Sea, the Bering Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. Chahrazed was born in the Mediterranean, coastal city of Sousse, Tunisia with German and Egyptian ethnicity. She grew up in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, bordering the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. Finally, Palma was born in Algeciras, Spain, facing the Strait of Gibraltar and surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Cantabrian Sea.
At the moment, in our world, there is great attention towards climate change and the conservation of terrestrial species, but to a certain extent it seems that marine species and the conservation of their habitat are considered as "second-class species and habitat". If we made a Maslow pyramid based on the need to conserve habitats for humans, we are sure that the seas and seas would not be at their lowest point, but if the oceans "died" the disaster would be imminent, among other serious consequences the surface of the waters would be covered with a thick crust of organic waste that would influence the water cycle causing serious droughts, diseases and famine. Only between 30 and 50 years later the human being would have disappeared from this planet.
This is the reason why we want to make a change; why we must -and will- make a change.